Every once in a while I browse the internet for new Islamic clothing sites. As I was searching yesterday, I was came across a website that has tons of long skirts with beautiful prints. (It's not an Islamic clothing site but an Indian one). I love the skirt posted above. Can you picture it with a white shirt, blue hijab, a jean jacket and gold sandals? (That's what I have in mind for it). Most of the skirts cost around $26! I'm not sure of that amount is in Canadian or U.S. dollars since the site is based in Canada. I haven't ordered anything yet but there are several I have in mind, insha'allah.
Another thing I do is to browse the Islamic clothing sites. I went on Shukronline's website and fell in love with this shirt (if it's possible to fall in love with clothing, lol):
Right now it's going for $48.95 plus shipping and handling. I REALLY want this shirt! I can't decide if I want it in "sunglow" (the color posted above) or in "Iznik" a kind of royal blue-looking color. I have been trying not to buy anything for a while because insha'allah, I am planning on getting a car sometime this month or next. However, I think I've basically talked myself into this one. *smiles*
I also like this skirt from Shukronline which is selling for $54.95. However, I don't think I will be purchasing it. I do realize I can't have everything I want nor can I afford it. But I can dream can't I?
I think you need to pretty much double the price to get it from Canadian to U.S. dollars, fyi.
I like those clothes and I like cotton but the whole ironing thing is a problem for me....
otowi. I looked up the currency rate and it would be like $23 US dollars.
LOL@ the ironing. I enjoy it. Practically every piece of clothing I have needs an iron- including the hijabs.
As salaamu alaikum,
I was JUST over at Shukr and that skirt caught my eye as well. They had a little shirt that went to it that I liked a lot.
The skirts are really cute, and so many! Thanks for sharing.
Wa salaam.
Oh, the sorrow! I ordered the Shukr shirt. However, when I tried it on my STB ex-husband said I looked like a Buddist. The fit was not right for me. Apart from that, I looked preganant. So sad...fortunately, Shukr has such an excellent return policy.
Salaam. There doesn't appear to be an email listed for you, so I thought I'd post this here. I know you're on the lookout for new sites. Here's one that sells pretty, modest stuff. The prices seem reasonable and they always seem to have stuff on sale or clearance.
nice blog you have here...regarding muslimah wear..me also selling for scarf for kids..hijab and for women...at the moment i will update all the pic...please do come and visit my web.
Salaam sis...I've started a Muslim womens' fashion magazine named Qasimah...we're launching this Fall and I'd love to have you on board as a fashion consultant...
check out the facebook group at:
I like your blog, would love to have you on the team and get you some more exposure...you can reach me at khalil.marcano@gmail.com
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