This outfit is from eshakti. Although it's not an Islamic clothing site they have plenty of modest outfits. If you know your measurements you can have an outfit custom made!
A blog dedicated to Islamic fashion and being a stylish Muslimah. Ya dun know!
That is very nice! I'll have to take a look at the website, thank you!
Oh thats so funny I was just looking at that yesterday, yes there stuff is nice but i always worried if its see through. What do you do in that case? Cause alot of modest stuff is see through.
My name is Nani and I am from Malaysia. Reading your blog makes me feel happy and syukur, being a muslimah in Malaysia we have plenty of choice in terms of those which can properly covered our aurah. But yet, there are so many muslim here still haven't got the hidayah to do it..I guess...I am selling muslimah clothes online. Please visit www.muslimahchantik.com. If you have any interest in those clothes and want to know more, just drop me an email. Take care dear! wassalam
As salaamu alaikum!
Just messaging to inform you about the following sites, let me know what you think.
I’d grateful if you could mention these sites in you’re blog and provide links to them.
Islamic Design House
Salam alaikum
Have any idea about outfits for the pregnant muslimah? Would love some ideas if you have any!!
Asalaamu Alaikum Sis!
I love eshakti! I've ordered from them at least 2x that I can remember and they have been professional, prompt and the quality is nice.
ma'a salaamah,
anonymous 1: I'd email eshakti and ask them about it.
Hi. I love your blog! And I've been eyeing the clothes at eshakti for awhile now--their caftans are beautiful. I also like how they allow one to change small things about the outfit--like the cut, the sleeves, the neckline, etc.
salam 'alaik
hai, the outfit looks very nice.
eshakti is one of my favorite clothing sites. If you looking for somethign that everyone in your community will not have they are the place to shop.
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